Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So thought we would give a quick update
as to what is going on in the world of Tommy.
Last week Jeni was starting to put his diaper
on and he said "No".... "big boy", while pointing
to his little boxer briefs that we bought
because he wanted to be like Dad, and now
he has been going potty on the toilet for a week
with only 1 real accident. We are a very proud
family. Anyway, he is getting huge and had an
awesome weekend hanging out with his little
cousin, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Hans and Gramma
and Grampa. We sure are lucky....

1 comment:

Jenny DB said...

ooooh go tommy go!!!
yayyyyy for potty training. i can TOTALLY relate, as i was SO PROUD when bondi was finally potty trained ;-)