Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trick or Treat - ELMO's world

Tommy went Trick or Treating on Queen Anne
with Mom (Spider woman), Carly (Bumble Bee)
and Savannah (Velma). He had a great time...
ALthough, he did not understand why he could not
go in everyone's houses, and why he could not
eat the candy... UNTIL we got to a house where
a woman was giving Cliff bars and all natural,
100% fruit, no added sugars fruit roll and then
life got really good. Elmo had a great first Halloween
experience and hopes you all enjoy photos of his
fun! MWAH...

Dinner with the Hagstroms, and KyLie!

Pumpkin Day at Aunt Jane's Farm

Playtime at the Boat!

Bra Boy...

Playtime at Gramma and
Grampas house with Hans
Sarah and Quin to celebrate
Uncle Hansies Birthday
and wish Sarah good luck
in her triathlon!

Having fun playing with
Dad after I woke him up
from his nap!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Puyallup Fair with Dad, Grandma Pattie
and Grandma Sue... We had lots of fun,
saw lots of animals, and rode a pony!