with Mom (Spider woman), Carly (Bumble Bee)
and Savannah (Velma). He had a great time...
ALthough, he did not understand why he could not
go in everyone's houses, and why he could not
eat the candy... UNTIL we got to a house where
a woman was giving Cliff bars and all natural,
100% fruit, no added sugars fruit roll and then
life got really good. Elmo had a great first Halloween
experience and hopes you all enjoy photos of his
fun! MWAH...
1 comment:
OH Jen these are SOOO cute, i love the action pic of elmo walking. ALSO love that the one house most every child hated was tommy's fav! hahah precious. just wish i had gotten an invite to join, seeing as my halloween was pretty LAME-O! ha
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